Hello and welcome to my romance writing blog! I hope that you’ll find the information provided to be useful! If you happen to stumble upon my blog and can’t find what you’re looking for I welcome you to reach out to me via email with your questions, feedback or ideas for what else I can help with in regards to romance writing.
Blogging is a new venture for me and I hope that I will be able to keep up with it! If you notice that my blog hasn’t been updated in awhile shoot me an email or connect with me on Instagram. I’m a firefighter personality and if I don’t see a fire I’m not going to aim my hose at it! (Yes, there are penis jokes here…I can’t believe I have the word penis on my blog…)
Newest Blog Posts
- Free Viki Korean Dramas (Part Three)What’s free to watch without a Viki Pass on Viki.com? Below is part three of my mega-list of Free Viki Korean Dramas toRead more
- How to Write Your First Romance NovelLearning how to write your first romance novel is not as easy as one may think. Romance novels are some of the mostRead more
- 5 Easy Romance Couple Printable Character SheetsI’ve got five free printable character sheets for you today! Keep reading/scrolling to find them and their download links! I was working onRead more
- How-To Cure 3 Writer Mindset ProblemsOver the past month I’ve been avoiding doing my work. I love my work, I’m passionate about Kdramas and helping writers to unlockRead more
- Best Free Kdramas To Watch on Viki – Part Two!Free Kdramas to Watch on Viki? Yes, please! As you know this list is not in any particular order, but I have includedRead more

Kdrama Breakdowns
Kiss Goblin – Ep1 Ep2 Ep3 Ep4 Ep5 Ep6 Ep7 Ep8 Ep9 Ep10 Ep11 Ep12
Her Private Life – Ep1
Just Between Lovers – Ep1
Amazon Keyword Lists
Free Kdramas on Viki
Random Inspiration: Hey. I just wanted to let you know that whatever your reasons for wanting to pick up the pencil (or hover your fingers over the keyboard) and write are valid. This writing thing is totally within your capabilities. It’s a skill and just like all the other skills in the world it takes practice. I promise that if you keep practicing you’ll get better. Will you be the -best- in the world? Highly unlikely. Will you be the best writer you’ve ever been in your life? Yes! Your life isn’t a competition between you and everyone else. Your life is yours. Live it for you, not to be better than someone else. Share your gifts and talents. Share your experiences. Live doing what makes you happy and fulfilled. You can do this. <3